
Showing posts from July, 2022

Critical Thinking assignment 3

Learning outcome I learned to question things more deeply than I ever did before. Whether those questions are directed towards someone or are just for me to dwell on. I learned the steps to think critically, but, Im also made aware that not all the steps are required to be used depending upon the situation. This module also made me aware of the terminology of 'critical thinking', I hadn't heard of it before this. I liked that in the 1'st assignment we had to map the flow of our thoughts, all the triggers that lead to a certain discovery/question was very interesting to become aware of. I would go as far as to say that I gained a general awarness of my thought process and how I link things together. It was a fun module. Thank you Kuntal sir😁

Critical Thinking assignment 1

Team members Sayee Patil  Abhilasha kalita Rishitha Veldurthy

Critical Thinking assignment 2:

Critical Thinking Doctors Did to Manage covid... Some of the challenges that doctors initially faced that they werent given any health guidelines, ppe kits were very costly. There was a shortage of beds and medicines. The doctors handled these challenges by Gradual Guarantine, Setting up Covid-quarters, and Quarantine centers, Isolation and Councillation. Some misconceptions were that 'covid doesn't exist'. and Some were that 'Covid is always Fatal'. Both of them were wrong and the doctors had to explain to the patients that Covid does exist, and Covid isn't always fatal, it is only fatal for old people and people with comorbidities.      Doctors informed the patients about their conditions personally and informed their relative by calling them. "What were the steps taken when a patient covid symptoms?" The patients were Isolated in the Isolation ward. Then if after the tests they were covid +ve they were shifted to the covid ward. And if they were Co...