Critical Thinking assignment 2:
Critical Thinking Doctors Did to Manage covid...
Some of the challenges that doctors initially faced that they werent given any health guidelines, ppe kits were very costly. There was a shortage of beds and medicines. The doctors handled these challenges by Gradual Guarantine, Setting up Covid-quarters, and Quarantine centers, Isolation and Councillation.
Some misconceptions were that 'covid doesn't exist'. and Some were that 'Covid is always Fatal'. Both of them were wrong and the doctors had to explain to the patients that Covid does exist, and Covid isn't always fatal, it is only fatal for old people and people with comorbidities.
Doctors informed the patients about their conditions personally and informed their relative by calling them.
"What were the steps taken when a patient covid symptoms?" The patients were Isolated in the Isolation ward. Then if after the tests they were covid +ve they were shifted to the covid ward. And if they were
Covid-ve they are moved to the NON-COVID ward.
The doctors took precautions by wearing PPE Kits, 3 pairs of Gloves, 2 N-95 masks and a Face shield. They used to Sanitize hands after every patient.
Initially when there was no proper medications and guidelines given, the patients were treated symptomatically (according to symptoms) and they were given oxygen therapy.
Challenges in the 2nd Wave. were that there was more use of steroids, People started generating other health issues like diabaties, because of Spike in Blood sugar level. Because of steroids the patients immunity went down and caused fungal infections. An example is Mucormycosis. Mucormycosis mainly affects people who have health problems or take medicines that lower the body's ability to fight germs and sickness.
Doctors were given specific training, Training for taking swabs, examination of the patient. Training on how to detect a covid patients with and without symptoms. Training for sanitization.
Some phycological problems associated with covid-19 were Depression because of isolation and lockdown. People were scared of covid and werent ready to take tests because they were afraid that they would have to stay right in the quarantine Centres and they wouldn't be allowed to go back home.
The doctors were also scared of covid. They were afraid of getting their family infected. But they had no choise, as it is their duty to help. It was difficult for them because they didn't get to visit their families. They had to Isolate themselves for 15 days before they met their families. They had long hours, 12 hour duty and so it was difficult for them to manage their houses and children. The doctors have saved so many lives throughout the years.
Critical Thinking
Steps of Critical Thinking:
Steps taken when a patient had covid symptoms:
1 OBSERVATION - Observing the symptoms and condition of the patient.
2 ANALYSIS - Asking the patient questions and getting an idea about how serious their symptoms are.
3 SYNTHESIS - Guessing they probably have covid, and taking tests.
4 INFERENCE - Since we do not get the results immediately. We cannot conclude whether they do or do not have covid. Therefore the inference part of this sitiuation has to be skipped and take the l decision of Isolating the patient as to not cause any spread of the virus. Thus proving the theory of critical thinking wrong.
5 DECISION - Deciding to Isolate the patients with covid symptoms to an Isolation ward, until further confirmation.
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